Hi guys!

Have you noticed that we don’t have enough time for anything, with just enough time to accomplish our daily tasks, and we end up exhausted since Monday? Well, that happens to me very often.

That’s why I took a week off from work and blogging, just uploaded a couple of pictures on Instagram and dedicated myself to being at home, quiet (not so much because my two-year-old niece Renatta was with me, and seriously she’s a terremotito) but I enjoyed those few days.

I always thought that it was necessary to go on a trip to ask for a vacation, but it is not so, since many times we do not have the economic factor, a clear idea of where we want to go, or we already have others planned for the next few months.

Those short days she helped me lower the pace of life and my stress from work and personal matters.

Sometimes that’s all you need to give your body a little break and recharge, and believe it or not, being with my niece helped me a lot.

Guys, it is necessary to listen to the body and mind and give yourself a few days off to rest and renew ideas, and I did it. I will post more often.

Thank you, Cristian Barragan, for the photos


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